Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Amateur mozilla users, here are some cool things to make your life easier via Mozilla. Addons are scripts which runs on the browser and gives you a flamboyant look..These can be found here..
There are n number of these addons which will help you solving lotta problems you face in your browser or rather the web pages even.! Here are the few addons which i use them in my daily life.!

StumbleUpon - The best ever addon mozilla has..Stumble literally means to totter about or walk unsteadily..Similarly, this addon takes you away to hell lotta best webpages the Internet has. Just install this and you will get a toolbar, which is optional. Thats it, create a user account and start stumbling. It also has an option to rate the webpage, which will be used by the future stumbler.

FireBug - This one is a little geeky one..On the press of F12 key, you can have a look at the layout of how the webpage is designed..! This can be used to tweak in small elements you wanna know about the webpages you like and use it on urs! It allows you to inspect the CSS, html, JS as well as the DOM tree structure..

GreaseMonkey - Another luvly addon mozilla gives you. It helps you customize the webpages..nope, not your webpages, the commercial ones...! Say you want google home page the way you want to..Yes, it can be done..Its nothing but JavaScript which allows you to create wonders..Say for example you wanna disappear the adds which come on the right side of google.? This is the add-on for you.!

SwitchProxy - This is a simple proxy switcher tool which helps you switch the proxy with ease..Say you are in a situation where in you have to access two networks, then obviously you will have to change the proxy setting each time you wanna browse after changing the port. This saves the proxy script and allows you to change in the click of a button.!

PDF Download - Ever been annoyed by clicking on the PDF link and it gets open in the next tab? And ofcourse kills much of your time..This one asks you if the PDF should be downloaded or viewed as HTML or open it normally every time you click on a PDF.!

Gspace - Allows you to use G-Mail as yet another hard disk. Browse and drop the files and they are online..Of course, it can be seen via gmail.. It infact is stored as a mail in your gmail account with the filesystem gs.!

DownlaodStatusbar - This infact will open the downloads you do in the same window with cute graphics..Never you will have to check for the status of the download in another window.

- A simple way to blog! press F8 and a pop up opens, the basic idea of this addon is to blog on the fly..

FoxyTunes - This will show a small player on the web browser will all the default buttons like Play, Rewind and Forward..I find this useful in finding the lyrics..You will just have to click on the arrow key on the FoxyTune bar and click on lyrics..An automated search will display you the results..

GmailManager - Ever had the problem of opening two of your gmail accounts? This one is for you.!

These are all the iota of addons my browser has..There are people having nearly 150 addons installed on their browser..So guys, time to start exploring on the addons.! Do comment me the interesting addons you have come across.!


Blogger Vijesh said...

Nice collection! Will try them out soon, Modzilla hacker.
Btw the grey font is bit difficult to read.. :)

7:44 AM  
Blogger surya said...

mozilla is awesome...but for MAC addicts i think safari would do good...Just teach me how to write scripts when u are free...k?

8:13 AM  

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